National Surveillance Unit of Trinidad says Dengue on “Steady Decline”


The National Surveillance Unit of the Trinidad Health Ministry revealed in an official press release recently that there was a “steady decline” in Suspected Dengue Cases by month in Trinidad and Tobago between February and July.

The NSU release, late August, stated that February 2009 saw 266 Suspected Cases making it the heaviest month to date.  Since then, the number of Dengue diagnoses have fallen to the extent that only 42 Cases were counted between July 01 and July 25  2009.   This brings to 1, 204 the total of Cases tallied by the Surveillance Unit for the first seven months of the year.

The low level of Dengue activity has not dulled Trinidad’s Insect Vector Control, the country’s regional corporations and the ministry led inter-sectoral committee’s “Source Reduction” mantra.  They continue to urge Trinidadians to eliminate mosquito breeding places even as they maintain spraying  programmes, undertake clean-up campaigns and mount aggressive public awareness initiatives.

And of course, the authorities could not stress more how important it is for persons showing the classic signs and symptoms (intense headaches, sudden onset high fever, backache, muscle and joint pains, pain behind the eyes or retro-orbital pain, vomiting, and occasionally skin rash and diarrhoea) of Dengue to visit a physician without delay. (Source: Govt: Dengue cases on decline)


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