10 confirmed Dengue deaths in Guatemala at August



The confirmation by health authorities in early August of the death of two people from Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the Caribbean Sea province of Izabal, brings to at least 10 the number of deaths to Dengue this year.  This figure is derived partly from a report by an opposition party Congressman, representing Izabal, that eight children from his district had died from DHF.

The Congressman’s numbers are, however, somewhat at odds with those  of the Health Minister Celso Cerezo. Cerezo says that he is aware of the two most recent deaths and another 16 DHF cases – all of whom were recovering – in Izabal.  But he puts the total Classic Dengue infections in the district at 115 while Congressman Byron Chacon‘s tally is well below that at 69.

Source: Latin American Herald Tribune


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